Review of Atlas: “Reconstructing Palestine” by Amira Howeidy, Al-Ahram Weekly, Issue no. 737, 7-13 April 2005.

Review of Atlas: “A lMajdal” by Amira Howeidy, Al-Ahram Weekly, Issue no. 27, Autumn 2005.

استعادة جغرافية فلسطين المغّيبة مجلة العربي - الكويت، عدد 582، صـ 30، مايو 2007

And the following reviews about The Atlas of Palestine 1948:

A monumental work resulting from several years of meticulous research by the Palestinian historian, Salman Abu Sitta. More than just an atlas, it presents a history of this troubled Mandate, through the conflicting Palestinian and Zionist political aspirations for the region, to the 1947 Partition Plan, declaration of the State of Israel in 1948 and the consequent hostilities and refugee flight. The book is packed with maps, tables and diagrams illustrating many aspects of this history.

I have been researching Palestine's boundaries extensively for a couple of years now and have never seen a reference that is as comprehensive and detailed as this one.
Nizar Farsakh, Policy Advisor NSU–PLO

This is one of the best piece of news I've heard in years! Thanks for all your meticulous persistence in exposing injustice and making justice more attainable.
Omar Barghouti, Political Analyst, Ramallah

What a beautiful and necessary piece of work.
Uri Avnery, Israeli Writer & Peace Activist, Tel Aviv

Just touching it makes me feel like we are that much closer to returning Palestine. The Atlas provides so many additional opportunities for more work and advocacy.
Terry Rempel, Senior Researcher for Badil, Bethlehem

It is quite impressive to see how much work has gone into the compiling of the book and I am sure that it will become an important point of reference for many institutions in the years to come.
Chris Doyle, Director of CAABU, London

A real tour de force! A monumental piece of work; a real contribution, a true labour of love.
Linda Butler, Associate Editor of the Journal of Palestine Studies, Washington

A masterpiece, very well done.
Samir Aweida, Member of the Welfare Association, Geneva

[This] is an heroic undertaking. Nothing short of the resurrection of a land.
Amira Howeidy, Ahram Weekly, Cairo

There is clearly a wealth of information in it, and the maps are really beautiful.
Rupert Chapman, Executive Secretary of the PEF, London

Your Atlas of Palestine 1948 represents an outstanding milestone in the advancement of our struggle for justice and peace in Palestine.
Uri Davis, Member of the Revolutionary Council, Palestine

Salman Abu Sitta has done a particularly godly deed in producing his Atlas of Palestine 1948. By reconstructing the Palestinian landscape just before the First Palestine War, he has handed back (at least on paper) to each farmer his fields, has restored to him his dignity as a worker before he was robbed of it and became a 'refugee', and thus has given him and his heirs the 'tools' to find again their village and their lands in a future, reconstructed, State of Palestine.
Claudine Dauphin, Honorary Professor in Archaeology and Theology-University Nice SA

This is a majestic work, in all respects. Salman Abu Sitta, the Palestinian historian of the 1948 war of Palestine and its consequences, meticulously registers one of the most defining moments of the history of the Middle East in the 20th century: the transformation of Palestine into Israel... I noticed all the old place-names that I used to hear from my father and grandfather... With Abu Sitta's Atlas, these names will never die...
Khaled Hroub, Researcher & Director of the Cambridge Arab Media Project

This is not a record of what Palestinians have lost; it is an affirmation of that which still defines them and future generations. The collective link to the land is the source of their national legitimacy. It is documented here with startling power, and... it can never be taken away from them, despite death, denial, dispersal and occupation.
Rami Khouri, writer for the Daily Star, Beirut